Common Pests

There are believed to be over 40,000 species of spiders. All spiders have 8 legs and can lay up to 3,000 eggs. Some are harmless and are only looking for an insect meal. But others can give quite a nasty bite.

These pests can survive without food for long periods of time. They will eat just about anything. It is important to know that cockroach allergens have been linked to respiratory illnesses especially Asthma.

It is very hard sometimes to distinguish between termites and ants. This illustration may help. If you are not sure, it is always better to save a sample in a plastic container or bag and call your pest control specialist.

There are more than 10,000 known species of ants. They can live in colonies that have very few to those that contain millions of individuals. Most are harmless but some, such as the Carpenter ant can be destructive.

These parasites feed exclusively on blood and prefer human blood. They have been on the rise since 1995.

Fleas are external parasites and feed on the blood of mammals & birds. An adult female flea may lay up to 5,000 eggs over her lifetime.

The most common rats are the Norway Rat - noted for its brown coat and short tail and the Roof Rat - noted for its black coat and much longer tail. Many diseases are carried by these rodents and should be eradicated as quickly as possible.

Most House Mice have a dusty gray or black coat. These little pests are smaller than their bigger cousins, the Rats.